Monday, December 23, 2013

"Graduation Day!"

What does "Graduation Day" have to do with Rick Dyer and Team Tracker?

    For several years, Rick Dyer has dedicated his time and efforts to prove the existence of Bigfoot. Not only for himself, but for all the world. He has spent countless hours trekking throughout the wilderness, hiking into some of the most remote areas on the planet. From the Florida Everglades to Russia. Following leads, studying evidence, asking questions, and dodging insults from those who refuse to consider that an ordinary hard working man, loving father, and dedicated husband like Rick Dyer, could be the one to pull the trigger, and solve one of the worlds greatest mysteries. But, as fate would have it, on September 6th, 2012, his 90th expedition, Rick came face to face with "that creature that did not exist". He shot it. And with tears streaming down his face, he watched it take its last breath. Not tears of joy, but tears of sadness knowing that he had to kill an animal just to prove its existence. It is a day that Rick Dyer, and the others who witnessed the event, will never forget. After a year of extensive study by scientists from all four corners of the planet, the day of redemption is here. Soon, all humanity will benefit from the sacrifices of Rick Dyer, as he and the scientists introduce to the world, the most amazing discovery in the history of mankind, Bigfoot.

   I have been very fortunate to have been invited into Rick Dyers world. Like many others on the team, I was at a point in my life where I lost, and desperately needed something. I didn't know what it was, or where to look for the answers. Rick Dyer and Team Tracker was that focal point. My wife and I have been blessed with meeting some of the most wonderful people on the planet thru Rick and consider him, his family, and all of Team Tracker part of our family.

 To me, "Graduation Day" for Rick Dyer will be the day of the press conference. The day all his efforts will be recognized and rewarded. If any way possible, I want to be there. Not to share in the glory. Not to hear my name announced. But, to be standing in the shadows as any proud father on his sons graduation day would be, and to nudge the person next to me and say, "that's my boy".


  1. You've been indoctrinated by a con artist. There's no such thing as Bigfoot. Rick Dyer said it, himself, back in 2008.

    1. Wait and see buddy, Bigfoots are real and your head might just explode.
