I have never been a member of a specific club or organization until I became a member of
Team Tracker. Being an entertainer for many years, I have preferred to keep my "public life public", and my "private life private". And for the most part, still do. I have a large family of whom I love very much. Rarely will you see me post anything personal pertaining to my family on Face Book, or any other public domains. Basically, it is no ones business. Being in the "Public Eye" in the music business is very different than it is in "The Bigfoot Community". There are no haters. Either people like your music or they don't. And the ones who don't,...just don't. They do not send nasty emails, post blogs, or write rude comments on your websites. And this is what I have trouble understanding in regards to
Rick Dyer and
Team Tracker... If you do not believe Rick shot and killed a Bigfoot, that's fine. Go away. Use your negativity where it can make a difference. People still kill bear, elk, deer, and other animals off season, illegally. Does it bother you? It should. Is it because you didn't actually see them pull the trigger? Out of sight, out of mind? If you did see the dead body of a bear, and stated it publicly. Is it right for me to call you a liar, just because I didn't see the body? I know bear do exist. But I didn't see that one...?! So therefore, you are a liar. I think the majority of "haters" believe that an amazing creature like Sasquatch does exist. If a regular "Joe" had killed a Bigfoot, and followed the same path that Rick has, would you "hate" him also? Being a Team Tracker member, and a friend to Rick Dyer, I have seen, and know enough to stand behind him all the way. Taken, there is a lot of info that myself and many other insiders does not know about the Rick Dyer encounter, and is really none of our business! We do this not on faith, for fame, or even loyalty. We know for a fact, that Rick has indeed a Bigfoot specimen in his possession. It's not human, it's not ape. It is a different species. I do not refer to it as a "New" species, being that it has reigned "King of The Woodlands" far longer that we have been around. So therefore, I think when you believe in something, you have fun, and enjoy the ride. If when you get to the end, it is not what you were expecting, well, at least you had a great time! If you choose not to believe, (before you know the facts), you may find
at the end of the day it was all true, and guess what? You missed out! The moral of this story is, "It is best to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and prove how foolish you are!"
Have you watched a single one of his video blogs Dale? Oh yeah, you are a part of them. Then you should be fully aware of the vile and putrid, bile inducing hate that spews from his mouth. You seem like an educated man with a decent head on your shoulders. Then why are you ok being lumped in with a group of adults that act like out of control 8 year olds? Seems like anyone that has aged past maturity would be appalled at these so called Bigfoot video blogs. They have zero to do with Bigfoot and all to do with inciting hatred and in the most immature way anyone could possibly imagine.
Your basing all this on Zero Scientific evidence Dale!!! Do you really think the Discovery of the Century gets toted around in a trailer exposed to the elements in a cheap ass box. Does Ricks multiple other hoaxes not bother you? Do you remember the Fake Doctor ( Dr Paul Van Buren) from the 2008 hoax that Rick used? Look it up. Does Rick using the C**t word in front of his daughter not bother you? Does Rick slandering people with vicious crimes that they did not commit, because they questioned him, not bother you?? Do you not wonder why, no one from the Bigfoot Community believes Dyer? Do wonder why all Rick does is postpone stuff over and over?? Does it not bother you that people paid up to 200 dollars for dvds and get nothing, becasue all they wanted to was to see proof? Do you not see how your enabling a known Conman? Do you not see how your going down in History as scum for helping Rick??
ReplyDeleteIf he does not have the proof that this thing was examined by a credible group and those results peer reviewed and then a news release that can't be doubted like the Erickson project was (and for good reason), than that is all the proof you need that this was all BS. This would already be headline news if there was a shred of truth to it. It would have been out way before anyone decided to display a body with clear photos and all. Bigfoot would over night go from fringe to mainstream and would make headlines in every newspaper in America, if not the world overnight. The fact that there is ZERO news on this is only the final nail in a too many to count final nails. poorly run hoax. The fact that he has followers says nothing about the authenticity of his claims, but the gullibility of a great deal of people that we share this planet with. You and the rest's stupidity does not constitute proof of anything other than stupidity has not been weeded out yet by natural selection. Very poor misguided post Dale. It truly shows you have gone through this whole experience with your eyes closed.
Dale can you not see the glue holding the hair? The bad paint job on the face and the crack in the nose, because of the material used??? Admit it man, you were had.